What is the opinion of Reddit about the
XTERRA Fitness TRX3500 Folding Treadmill , Silver?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


16th Jun 2021

Can’t speak to the longevity yet but I got an XTERRA 3500. Not bad cushioning for a treadmill, easier than pavement for me after my ankle surgeries. Has Bluetooth to pair with Zwift and send reasonably accurate for distance as it matches up with my Stryd pod


1 point


14th Feb 2021

XTERRA Fitness TRX3500 Folding Treadmill https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073HRGQW8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_wyVCeEsYUIRh6

I bought this one on Amazon for sub 1000 like 6 months ago. Has worked great. Put well over 250 miles on it in 6 months (i do most running outside)

I’m 6’ 6” and on a weight loss journey from 380 down to 250 now. I got the tread mill at about 300 and had no issues with slipping or anything. Not sure how it would be compared to higher end but i did a 13.2 mile run on it yesterday at 10min pace with no issues. Highly recommend.