What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Vital Vitamins Multi Collagen Complex – Type I, II, III, V, X, Grass Fed, Non-GMO, 150 Capsules?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


9th Mar 2021

I had this happen as well, along with pretty bad postpartum hair loss around my hairline. I’ve given myself a few home scalp treatments and switched my shampoo and conditioner to a natural cbd line . Lastly, I ordered collagen supplements online for hair, skin, & nails. They seem to be helping with regrowth, and the dandruff has gotten way better since I started them too. My friend also swears by this dandruff shampoo, I have yet to try it though. Sorry for so many ideas, but I’ve also had it with my dandruff so I’ve been trying everything I can!

CBD Shampoo

collagen supplements

Dandruff Shampoo