What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Valeo VRL4 4″ Padded Leather Contoured Weightlifting Lifting Belt with Suede Lining, BLACK, MEDIUM?

A total of 8 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


16th Feb 2019

Don’t know the exact brand but I have a feeling it’s this style Amazon link

Its narrower in front and on the sides to provide more for lumbar support and doesn’t impede your range of motion.

1 point


10th Jun 2015

$20 to $200 is a big jump in budget… I’ll just assume that extra 0 is a typo.

Anyways, I’ve been using this $20 belt for almost two years and it does the job.

1 point


19th Feb 2015

Thinking of buying a lifting belt today.
Seeing as my budget is tight, I’m looking for something like Valeo’s.

What do you guys think?

1 point


29th Mar 2016

I’ve been happy with this one.

I’m no expert (intermediate level lifts) but it was inexpensive and has worked great so far.

1 point


14th Nov 2015


Amazon prime, about $15. I use one very similar to this. You strap it up about belly-button level, just under your diaphragm – NOT around your lower back.

1 point


20th Jul 2015

I got a 4″ belt, which is this one on Amazon. I haven’t used a 3″ belt, but I do know that I like this one a lot.

Edit: Alan Thrall has some good info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I9LIsIpsQE.

0 points


11th Sep 2020