What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Titan T-2 Series Dip Bar Attachment for Power Rack Strength Training Workout?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


9th Apr 2017

I got those titan fitness plate holders and they fit perfectly. The rack is narrow enough on the side that they kind of work as dip attachments. I’m going to get a second pair. I want this dip attachment.

1 point


20th Apr 2016

Just curious, but how well are those dip bars going to work without some sort of inset? That’s a great price if they’ll work. I don’t think I can do a dip at 42″ wide, or am I missing something entirely? Great finds on the other two parts.

For Dip bars, I was thinking of these (they’re a little more expensive, but a few reviewers say it will fit this rack and the design makes sense):
