What is the opinion of Reddit about the
The Naked Warrior: Master the Secrets of the super-Strong–Using Bodyweight Exercises Only?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


31st Oct 2020

Check out Naked WarriorNaked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline. There are many more detailed points you should read about, but a summation of it is pick two exercises you can do throughout the day, do a set short of failure several times throughout the day practicing high tension techniques and you will get stronger. It is written as a body weight program, but it can be used with other methods. Judd Biasioto used it to improve his bench (or maybe his squat – I don’t recall which right now).

From your post, pull-ups and maybe pistol squats might an option.

1 point


28th Oct 2011

And your answer to part two?

Basically, I’m wondering why something like Convict Conditioning or Never Gymless from the FAQ wouldn’t work for you (or something like The Naked Warrior).