What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Synergee Power Rack with Pull Up Bar, Safety Straps and J-Cups. Free Standing Steel Workout Rig Squat Cage, Bench Press Rack with Max 750lb Capacity?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


11th Feb 2021

Thoughts on this rack as opposed to the fitness reality 810? It closely resembles the Rep PR-1100 but has 2 inch spacing instead 3 inch that both the 810 and PR-1100 have. With shipping from Rep they come out to about same cost but again has 2 inch instead of 3 inch spacing. Both 2×2 14 gauge steel i believe


2 points


24th Jun 2021

> Amazon has a 2×2 rack with safety straps:


I have a 2×2 rack and it is more than strong enough for my needs. It is just a little harder to find accessories for it.

> Rogue Canada has a stand plus spotter arms for about $750 (CAD).


> Looks like XTCFitness is sold out of a lot of their equipment. But check them out for bars and plates:



I hope this helps.