What is the opinion of Reddit about the
SleepRight® Select No-Boil Dental Guard – Sleeping Teeth Guard – Mouth Guard To Prevent Teeth Grinding?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


2nd Jun 2019

I bought a mouth guard to wear at night when I sleep. The one I got was adjustable and didn’t require boiling to fit. You can get it for about $17 on Amazon. It may not look like much but it helped a lot.

1 point


16th Jul 2020

They can relieve the pain from your teeth clenching together and protect them but a mouth guard is essentially just a bandaid. Not that I don’t recommend using one because if I don’t wear mine, my pain is excruciating. The kind issued by the dentist is the best option. You may bite through OTC ones pretty quick. However, when I had braces I used this mouth guard with quite a bit of luck (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008FNKWGG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_oBeeFbN48RQBJ) I’m in the U.S. so that’s a U.S. link but I imagine you could find it in the U.K. Amazon..? Idk.

I actually just started seeing a dentist who specializes in TMJD and they’ll be giving me a new mouth guard that is supposed help reset my jaw muscles and actually relieve a lot of my TMJ. Ive had it for about 20 years though….so we’ll see.

1 point


4th Oct 2020

SleepRight Select No-Boil Dental Guard – Sleeping Teeth Guard – Mouth Guard To Prevent Teeth Grinding https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008FNKWGG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_7sEEFbT23ZYQP

Apparently Amazon is cheaper than Walmart. This is the exact one I use.