What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Sleep Headphones, Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless 3D Eye Mask, Lightimetunnel Washable Sleeping Headphones for Side Sleepers With Adjustable Ultra Thin Stereo Speakers Microphone Hands Free for Insomnia Travel?

A total of 12 reviews of this product on Reddit.

3 points


18th Jan 2021

I buy them on Amazon. I would prefer to buy them elsewhere but it’s the only place I’ve found them so far. I m currently using this pair. The eye area is contoured so there’s no pressure on the eyes. The center control is nice because I sleep on my stomach so I don’t lay on it or feel it while I lay down. Those are my main requirements.

2 points


18th Jan 2021


You won’t be disappointed. I can’t sleep at night without them. I usually listen to meditations on Insight Timer specifically for going to sleep or else I play my Rainy Mood thunderstorm app. They last about 10 hours, I just put them back on the charger in the morning (fast charge). Also, you can easily pull the electronics out and wash the mask. It’s a full black out mask and padded all around so you can side sleep and not feel the flat disc speakers. Life changing for me.

1 point


26th Oct 2021

I do this every night with the podcast Stuff You Should Know. It’s not boring but also not overly excited. I put it on 0.9x speed and let them tell me stories about stuff. If I wake up they help lull me back to sleep. An even more awesome upgrade I recently got was a Bluetooth sleeping eye mask. It has Bluetooth speakers in the sides that go over your ears but don’t hurt to lay on. It is much more comfortable than ear buds and the eye mask part helps because the smallest amount of light wakes me up. I think it was $20 on Amazon.

Because I know someone is going to ask: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ1JZK6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_264RXAZ8RN3B86J0C8SA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

1 point


5th Sep 2021

This mask: Sleep Headphones, Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless 3D Eye Mask, Lightimetunnel Washable Sleeping Headphones for Side Sleepers With Adjustable Ultra Thin Stereo Speakers Microphone Hands Free for Insomnia Travel https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ1JZK6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EVQESC2R7SCM0M4HQMXV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

1 point


31st Aug 2021

My newest is this sleep mask with headphones. Can’t look at my phone while wearing it, and magically I fall asleep faster. Wonder how that works? /s I listen to guided meditation as I fall asleep.

I also drink a gallon of water a day, found exercise that lights me up from the inside, smoke the best weed I can afford, and have learned the art of literally doing nothing.

I had never allowed myself to just be. Like, I had to prove my worth to the world every day, even though no one was asking for that proof. Then when I’d be told to relax, or someone would insinuate something along those lines I thought it was just another person telling me I wasn’t doing enough. No…it was that person seeing me run myself absolutely ragged for no reason at all. It got me nowhere…except for being an angry busy being. I have learned that the chores will still be there later, and very little is actually so pressing that it can’t be accomplished when I want to do it. I actually bought a print (that I can’t find the link to) that says “The time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted” to keep reminding myself of this.

I have never felt more me than just letting me be me.

1 point


28th Dec 2020

head phones sleep mask

There’s the link

1 point


21st Aug 2019

I ended up returning my blackout curtains to Amazon before even using them because I found this sleep mask that had built in Bluetooth. It blocks out light really well and I use the sleep meditations in the Insight Timer app to fall asleep. I find the guided meditations work best for me rather than just background sounds. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ1JZK6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2nzxDbB7DHGYM

2 points


10th May 2021
1 point


24th Sep 2021

Get one of these and enjoy your natural light the rest of the time https://www.amazon.com/Headphones-Bluetooth-WATOTGAFER-Adjustable-Microphone/dp/B07QJ1JZK6

1 point


28th Jul 2021

Get black out curtains and sleep headphones. Here’s an example: https://www.amazon.com/Headphones-Bluetooth-WATOTGAFER-Adjustable-Microphone/dp/B07QJ1JZK6/

1 point


29th Mar 2021

Sleep Headphones, Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless 3D Eye Mask, WATOTGAFER Sleep… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ1JZK6/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_824KD8K2J81SN00XCY58

I think these are the ones I have

1 point


30th Jan 2021

I like having things play. Nature sounds or guided meditations. That said, I like these. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ1JZK6. Bluetooth sleep mask. Helps block out much sensory for me, and help focus somewhat.