What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Shure MVi Digital Audio Interface + USB & Lightning Cable?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


18th Mar 2018

Unfortunately lighting port is a digital interface and your audio is analog. You’d need to find a lightning controller chip, an ADC (analog to digital) chip, maybe some sort of amp, (depending on your ADC), build your own circuit board (lightning controllers are too tiny and too sensitive to be used on a bread board or perfo board), and program the lightning controller to take in ADC data and emulate a sound card for the iphone. The last step is probably the hardest.

You might find a lightning controller with built in ADC.

This is about 6 months of 8hr/day work for an engineer. Unless you already emulated an audio card on a lightling controller. Then this might be less.

Edit: looking up “lightning dac” on Amazon shows some deviced that seem like what you need. For example https://www.amazon.com/dp/B011BV9P34/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_pIMRAb4WHKRKV

1 point


25th Dec 2017

I only managed to get it working after installing FL Studio, using their ASIO driver, and then using GuitarRig. Every other program more or less didn’t like it including ASIO4ALL. I’d recommend biting the bullet and just getting something like this, worth it to be able to use with different apps and have less issues.

1 point


13th Jan 2022

I’m always looking for minimal and moderately priced audio interfaces for attaching a single XLR mic to a computer via USB. They’re kind of hard to find, and you might not think they’re all that moderately priced (for a lot of people’s budgets). Anyhow, here are two, both costing around $100 ea.:

Shure MVi Digital Audio Interface + USB & Lightning Cable https://www.amazon.com/Shure-Digital-Audio-Interface-Lightning/dp/B011BV9P34/

Zoom U-22 Ultracompact 2×2 USB Handy Audio Interface https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1282311-REG/zoom_zu22_u_22_handy_audio_interface.html