What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Shark WV201 WANDVAC Handheld Vacuum, Lightweight at 1.4 Pounds with Powerful Suction, Charging Dock, Single Touch Empty and Detachable Dust Cup?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


12th Jan 2021

I have a wandvac that I use for quick crumb cleanup, and then I’ll wipe stains down with hot water and whatever cleaner I’m using at the moment (lately I’ve been into tide powder, hot water, and microfiber cloth)

I keep the wandvac plugged in on my kitchen counter so I can quickly grab it—especially handy after my toddler eats a meal.

Shark WV201 WANDVAC Handheld Vacuum, Lightweight at 1.4 Pounds with Powerful Suction, Charging Dock, Single Touch Empty and Detachable Dust Cup https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FX5K4D6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_i_K8B.FbVVBWQBV

1 point


26th Apr 2021

Hand held vacuum. Robot vacuums are handy, but they are also a bit of a pain. You need to pick things up off the floor before they go, which in the toddler days is just not always doable, and they get tangled in anything on the floor too (cords specifically). You basically need to roomba proof your house! It’s also loud, inefficient, and so I only run it when we’re out, but getting out of the door is such a pain, that I nearly always forget to turn it on. Ours sits forgotten most of the time. I DO use my hand held vacuum all the time! Cleaning up old dried food, getting some dust here or there, AMAZING! Sweep things up, then just use this guy over the pile, easy peasy. LOVE IT!

Instant Pot. Basically in the baby and toddler years you just need anything that helps save you time, and the instant pot is GREAT for that. You also can set it and walk away, which again is GREAT for this phase. I use mine to cook most of our meals! I also wasn’t very good at remembering to put the slow cooker on in the morning, and an instant pot means you don’t have to! You can cook a 8 hour slow cooker meal in 24 minutes! All the pieces (except the base of course) can go into the dishwasher too! I LOVE IT! I could go on and on, I got it when my daughter was 8 months old, and have never looked back. r/instantpot has tons of info!

Night lights. You’re going to be up a lot at night, and not turning lights on helps a TON. Especially in the bathroom and kitchen, you need enough light to see what you’re doing, but not too much that you get completely woken up.

Dimmable lights. You will need more light for diaper changes, making bottles, but again you don’t want lights fully ON, so a dimmable light is super helpful. You can get light switches, or just a lamp that can dim, ect.

Spill proof water bottles and coffee mugs. More for the toddler years, but you’ll want beverage devices that you can throw in your bag, and not have it spill everywhere. Bonus points for insulated coffee mugs, so your beverage stays warm while you’re busy too. (I love my Yeti!)

1 point


15th Feb 2021

Hello! They can be use for Airsoft Paintball, Motorcycle Riding, Gardening & Cutting, they fit pretty snug, some of them are even Cut-Resistant made of Kevlar, I saw about what you want, check this out :


Best Amazon Handheld Vacuum

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