What is the opinion of Reddit about the
SEYOO Headphone for Men, Sky-Blue (AV200 TV Speaker)?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


12th Mar 2020

Never heard these for myself, but they are exactly what you need and I see them advertised in Sound & Vision mags all the time. https://www.amazon.com/ZVOX-AV200-TV-Speaker-Technology/dp/B01L9D18FC

A little north of your price point, but can be found used/refurbished for <$120 on eBay though.

EDIT: You will not be able to to use something in conjunction with your soundbar to get clearer voices. If you were hoping to keep the soundbar in play, sorry – it will need to be replaced. Passive speakers (even cheap $30 Micca ones from Amazon) will need external amplification, which will incur additional costs. The one I linked above is powered and self-contained, much like your soundbar.

1 point


5th Jan 2018

I feel you’d be the perfect customer for this:
