What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Sennheiser HD203 Closed-Back DJ Headphones?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


27th Nov 2015

The headphones probably aren’t the greatest, I don’t have them with me right now but I think these are the ones I used. It’s possible that I just don’t like the sound as much, but listening to videos of people playing it, I thought that I was just missing something. I’ll probably try it out again (and others) with some better headphones, though. I’ve only been playing for about 4 months so it’s been difficult trying to figure out what I like best.


1 point


30th Jun 2011

I have these and they’re pretty decent for most applications at their price point. You can get much better if you’re willing to pay more, but for around $30-40 they get the job done pretty well. The bass extension is good, not great. I use them for music practice (as a bass player) and they do bottom out at times, but for just listening to music I haven’t had an issue.

1 point


27th Jun 2015

I am looking for some “slim” over-ear headphones.

I was looking at this design: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1861630723/take-control-of-your-sleep-with-kokoon-eeg-headpho?ref=category

So my budget is in the 100$ range. I tried out Sennheiser HD203 and Blackwebs (walmart exclusives). Both make my ears too hot when worn for more than half an hour.

Any model with more space for ears will probably fit my big ears better. And the slim type like the kickstarted ones appeals to me.

Thanks! I’m not sure if this is purchase advice because I have no models in mind so I’m posting directly to the subreddit. Tell me if I should move to the sticky thread.

1 point


26th Jun 2015

I am looking for some “slim” over-ear headphones.

I was looking at this design: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1861630723/take-control-of-your-sleep-with-kokoon-eeg-headpho?ref=category

So my budget is in the 100$ range. I tried out Sennheiser HD203 and Blackwebs (walmart exclusives). Both make my ears too hot when worn for more than half an hour.

Any model with more space for ears will probably fit my big ears better. And the slim type like the kickstarted ones appeals to me.

Thanks! I’m not sure if this is purchase advice because I have no models in mind so I’m posting directly to the subreddit. Tell me if I should move to the sticky thread.