What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Sennheiser HD 4.50 SE Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones – Black (HD 4.50 Special Edition) (Renewed)?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


30th Aug 2021

Sennheiser HD 4.50 SE Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones – Black (HD 4.50 Special Edition) (Renewed) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q41F6FQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_51S89TV13Q2MP11B73W1

These are noice cancelling and sound okay. They’re “renewed” so my guess is open box. I would get the two or three year protection plan for 8 bucks, and you’d still be saving a decent amount of money.

1 point


20th Aug 2019

Not under $100 but the Sennheiser HD 4.50 SE Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones are just fucking great. They use the same noise canceling as their higher end PXC 550 and have great battery life. I own both the 4.50 & the 550 and they’re perfectly interchangeable in my opinion.

You can probably find’em on ebay for less, but Amazon is easy so here’s their link.