What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Rybozen USB Switch Selector, KVM Switch Adapter for 4 PC Sharing 3 USB Devices, One-Button Swapping Box Hub for Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Printer, Computer, with 4 USB Cables?

A total of 8 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


3rd Dec 2021

Works like a champ. No back feed of power.

Rybozen USB Switch Selector, KVM Switch Adapter for 4 PC Sharing 3 USB Devices, One-Button Swapping Box Hub for Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Printer, Computer, with 4 USB Cables https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZK36RBJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8F5XQN1D988BXA2BYJ18?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

1 point


9th Aug 2021

If you plan to use the microphone for all of them, you should also look into getting a USB KVM Switch. in Short, its a USB dock that lets you choose which machine its connected to. By doing this you don’t have to unplug your USB from the console, just press a button and ur done.


1 point


18th Jun 2021

I think that depends. Another option would be a USB switch, like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZK36RBJ/ I’m not advocating for that specific model, just trying to give you an idea of something that could work. What your describing your usage as sounds like you basically need something similar to a KVM switch for a laptop dock.

1 point


17th Mar 2021

J’ai une config similaire, avec un 1 PC perso/jeu, 2 laptops pro, et 3 écrans. J’ai réparti les entrées de mes écrans (HDMI/DP) sur les différents PCs. Côté réseau j’ai un switch (comme le dit /u/Kornikus, n’importe quel switch fait l’affaire), et pour clavier/souris j’ai un hub USB. Je n’ai pas voulu passer par un kvm pour plusieurs raisons : le prix, le support du 144Hz, et les risques d’input lag. J’ai un peu retourné le problème dans tous les sens pendant mes 6 premiers mois de confinement/télétravail, donc si tu as des questions n’hésite pas !

3 points


10th Jun 2020

I don’t think a traditional KVM would help here, especially given that OP needs a triple monitor version which are very expensive.

I’d suggest a universal DisplayLink dock with triple monitor support and a USB switch (the Dell D3100 and D6000 both have support for 3 monitors). The USB cable from the dock is then plugged into the USB switch along with USB cables from each of the sources (PC & Laptop) which allows OP to toggle between them.

You can buy USB switches very cheap on Amazon.
Here is the link to the DisplayLink website to search for docks with tripe monitor support: website

1 point


13th Jan 2022

Moi j’ai celui-ci depuis mars 2020 et aucun problème à signaler. Je l’utilise en ~permanence depuis.

1 point


31st Oct 2021

Couldn’t find one like that specifically, but here’s one that allows three USB devices to be connected to four PCs.