What is the opinion of Reddit about the
RK ROYAL KLUDGE RK68 Wireless Hot Swappable 65% Mechanical Keyboard, 60% 68 Keys Compact Bluetooth Gaming Keyboard with Stand-Alone Arrow/Control Keys, Clicky Blue Switch?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


9th Aug 2021

Here you go.

Hot swappable, connects to pretty much anything (even an ipad), white, wireless and wired mode. I have it and it sounds pretty good. Not sure about the RGB but I think they do have an RGB version. Hope this helps 🙂

1 point


8th Sep 2021

Maybe check this one out – RK Royal KLUDGE RK68?

1 point


21st Apr 2021

Purchased the RK 65% Hot Swappable because it was on sale and was too hard to pass up. But now I’m wondering about what switches really can be used.


If you look at the PCB, you can see the big surface mount LED at the top of the switch position. That LED seems to be getting in the way of any replacement switches I have, since they don’t have cutouts for that LED to go into. That’s just one example of a switch that happens to have some through-holes to mount an LED in the switch housing itself — looking at other switches I have they don’t seem to have any cutouts that would support that big LED on the PCB.


Any thoughts? Is there a specific type of switch I need to be looking for? I’d rather not go through the effort — if it is even possible — to transplant the switches I have into the bodies of the switches the keyboard came with to clear the LED. And removing the LED kind of defeats the purpose

1 point


20th Feb 2021

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G4ZB9GL It’s hot swappable. They’re probably just using a old listing and updated the product from a non-hotswap to a hotswap version.