What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Remington MSC-140 Men’s Titanium Battery Operated Foil Travel Shaver, Silver?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


23rd Jul 2015

Remington Titanium. They are $10 each so I buy 2-3 at a time, and because I can interchange parts (I like to tinker) they actually cost MUCH less per year of use than, say, an expensive Braun, which I’ve also had. The only battery-powered shaver I ever liked.

I can get 24 months out of one $10 shaver before I even have to fix it. So that’s about $0.42 per month.

For $80, my Braun only lasted 2 years. Expensive is usually better, but not always.

1 point


5th Jun 2015

For $10-12 I buy 2 Remington Titaniums, so when two break, I use the parts from the old two to make a new one. Very reliable.

0 points


23rd Feb 2010

Suggestion – keep this in your bag.