What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Remi At-Home Custom Night Guard Kit – Create The Best Fitting Dental Grade Top And Bottom (2) Mouth Guards for Grinding Teeth (Bruxism) & TMJ Relief Night Guard?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


4th Jan 2021

You can order customized night guards online, which might be helpful until you find someone local. Sorry I don’t have a dental specialist to recommend. Amazon.com : Remi At-Home Custom Night Guard Kit – Create The Best Fitting Dental Grade Top And Bottom (2) Mouth Guards for Grinding Teeth (Bruxism) & TMJ Relief Night Guard

Also, this might sound random, but you could consider buying an EMF bed canopy. I didn’t realize until I bought one, but a lot of my jaw clenching and grinding was because of all the excess electricity and radiation we’re sleeping under. My insomnia, sleep apnea, and teeth grinding all significantly improved after sleeping under the EMF bed canopy. Make sure it has a grounding cord if you buy one, and never use your cell phone or any electrical devices within it (or it will amplify the radiation). This is the one I have: www.etsy.com