What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Redragon P001 ARCHELON Gaming Mouse Pad, Stitched Edges, Waterproof, Ultra Thick Silky Smooth 12.99 x 10.24 x 0.2 inches (Large-Size)?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

5 points


7th Nov 2016

I got a nice Chinese-brand mousepad for 10 bucks on Amazon, it has the thread bound edges and a semi-smooth tracking surface.


EDIT: I’ve had it for over a year with no problems, the edges do get a little dirty over time but a regular cleaning should take care of that.

1 point


27th Mar 2018

Hi there. Not sure what is xxl for you but I use this one and I like it a lot. I think they have a very similar one that’s very long too. Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Redragon-ARCHELON-Stitched-Waterproof-Large-Size/dp/B00NV4XL62

1 point


1st Aug 2016

This is the one I have and I love it