What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Realforce 87U Tenkeyless 55g (White/Gray)?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

3 points


7th Feb 2017

This is a really crude comparison but that’s a Realforce in the middle. Not sure what model it is but 27,750 Yen is equal to 248 USD according to Google. This Realforce which I believe is the same is $260 on Amazon with Prime shipping.

3 points


26th Jun 2017

They’re a little pricy, but you can get them on Amazon here or here

1 point


27th Dec 2018

If only. It’s just made to look that way. This guy right here https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00MV7TMNQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_oCpjCb8BP3JJD (I did not pay that price, hooray second hand market).