What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Readaeer Portable Adjustable Laptop Computer Desk Stand Table(Black)?

A total of 5 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


15th Mar 2017

Get a laptop desk with adjustable arms. You’ll find the extra attached mousepad flimsy, so put your mousepad on top of a book beside you… it’s more comfortable this way anyway


1 point


8th Dec 2017

This desktop computer stand $20

Cash, pick up near Springfield & Broad.

1 point


12th Oct 2017

There is one that looks almost like that being sold for 36 bucks on Amazon I doubt printing will be that cheap.

1 point


30th Jan 2017

How about something like this with a separate tray for the mouse to make up for a narrower shelf?

1 point


22nd Sep 2016

I use two of these. Even the little side shelf is nice for an effects pedal.