What is the opinion of Reddit about the
PURE Salicylic Acid 5% Solution (30 mL), Gentle Exfoliating Serum/Mask for Smoother & Clearer Skin, Treats Blackheads, Acne & Clogged Pores?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


1st Apr 2021

I rotate Geek & Gorgeous Cheer Up and this item:

PURE Salicylic Acid 5% Solution (30 mL), https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HYKB2LL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NSS6HJEW1RV5JXPS9Z5Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Because it’s 5%, that’s really high, I either use it as spot treatment or mix it in with my moisturizer or serum, which probably affects the pH but in general it’s been working great for me.

1 point


27th Jan 2021
  1. Wash my face in the with CeraVe 4% benzoyl peroxide wash
  2. Dab 5% salicylic acid serum on my trouble spots: Forehead, upper chin, nasolabial folds.
  3. Moisturizing with this combo serum or Neutrogena City Shield

I do this when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. At night, I also use a little CeraVe eye cream.