What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Pedifix Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap, 1 Count?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


10th May 2017

In addition to getting your A1c checked and continuing the prescriptions, give this stuff a try. My roommate uses it every time he takes a shower, and swears it works better than anything he’s tried.

1 point


29th May 2013

I think this anti-fungal wash was what mostly helped rid of ours. We had it really bad. We had to remove all the furniture from one room and quarantine the three cats in there for a week with just a tarp covering the carpet & their food bowl and a couple plastic toys for entertainment. We deep cleaned the rest of the house with bleach spray on every surface possible. We had to throw out our vacuum after that as well. And of course we were bathing daily with that anti-fungal wash and got prescription meds for both the humans and the cats. But I do think that wash helped the most. By the time I had over 50 spots on my body I couldn’t properly track them all down to apply the prescription cream so the wash was great to get everything treated at once.

1 point


4th Jun 2020

I have always used Funga Soap from Pedifix and I get it from Amazon .