What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Panasonic Full-Sized, Lightweight Long-Cord Headphones – RP-HT161-K (Black)?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


11th Dec 2019

well, you prob can get something a little bit better for about 17 bucks. like this.

1 point


30th Oct 2020

Here’s a$15 pair from Amazon.

Panasonic Wired, no noise cancelling

1 point


16th Oct 2020

> Someone above mentioned the 6.35mm being used in high end musical equipment when the 6.35mm jack is on every set of headphones

Uh, no? A lot of consumer grade headphones come in only 3.5mm jacks

For example, this, this and this.

Even some pro-grade ones (like this for example) only come with 6.35mm adapters to slap on top of the builtin 3.5mm jack.