What is the opinion of Reddit about the
PalmOne Portable Keyboard for Palm V Series Handhelds?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

23 points


20th Jul 2018

I have a Palm foldable keyboard, and the way that thing works is amazing. It’s one of the coolest things I own, and it’s utterly useless because it only has an extremely proprietary Palm connector and nothing else.

1 point


25th Dec 2020

It looked like a prehistoric iPhone and could take notes, keep track of a calender, contact list and… If you pointed it directly (and I mean directly) at another palm pilot, you could send and receive information.

I had one when I was a senior in high school. The only useful thing about it was the foldable keyboard I had for it. I could type notes into it and then transfer them to my computer later.

1 point


17th Oct 2020

you could get something like the palm portable keyboard if you didn’t want to build one. idk how close it would be to a traditional mechanical keyboard, but always something to get for cheap and try