What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Old Model Mini Quiet Pro Keyboard for PC?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


12th Feb 2017

I have a matias secure pro somewhere, good shape, original cable and dongle, some cheap grey keycap set on it – I haven’t used it in a while.

It’s a 75% with quiet click switches and encrypted wireless – it does NOT do wired, but it will charge while wireless. I picked it up because my dickhead colleagues were continuously cracking my wireless logitech keebs and subsequently, my passwords. It was a shitstorm. It was also my first mech! Then I moved onto browns, then I realized I love blues.

If you think you’d be interested, I can snap some photos for you, shoot me a PM. I know wireless isn’t a huge turn on for most folks, and also, I haven’t sold anything here before, but I can do paypal invoice, have verified paypal etc, so you have the buyer protection and such. Ship tracked, etc.

It’d be good to try, and the battery lasts for an eternity as long as you remember to turn it off. I’d let it go for a hundred, and that’s only because at the time, it was 250 for the only goddamn fucking encrypted keyboard I could find and I didn’t want wired for what i was doing with it.

Otherwise, matias quiet pros are only 120 on amazon. and that’s wired! I don’t know what else will have quiet clicks otherwise except a custom keyboard.

1 point


3rd Nov 2015

This is the keyboard if anybody is curious: Matias Mini Quiet Pro

According to /u/commontao ~~engadget~~ switches are comparable to mx brown/clear (tactile) ~~reds (linear + no tactile)~~.

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