What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Oasis REST & RELIEF Eye Mask – Adjunct Hot and Cold Therapy for the relief of Dry Eye Symptoms?

A total of 5 reviews of this product on Reddit.

2 points


27th Jun 2021

warm compresses! Amazon Oasis eye pads… heat up 7-10 minutes in microwave… leave on for 7-10 minutes… let them cool off for a few seconds… it is supposed to be hot but see if you can stand it… then gently massage lids by gently pinching …( like you are picking up the wings of a butterfly) along the upper and lower lids where the glands are https://www.amazon.com/Oasis-REST-RELIEF-Eye-Mask/dp/B01E6NRM3E

do this 3 times a week or everyday… you can put the eye pads on a paper towel in the micro

1 point


14th Oct 2021

I recently got a eye mask that can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the fridge. It’s supposed to help with my dry eyes, but it’s also the only eye mask I’ve ever worn comfortably. It’s like a little weighted blanked for your eyes. It makes me drowsy whenever I put it on.

Oasis REST & RELIEF Eye Mask – Adjunct Hot and Cold Therapy for the relief of Dry Eye Symptoms https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01E6NRM3E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HYPZ9KYGYDQ80FAXZG3B

1 point


28th Jun 2021

Yes Oasis REST & RELIEF Eye Mask – Adjunct Hot and Cold Therapy for the relief of Dry Eye Symptoms https://www.amazon.com/Oasis-REST-RELIEF-Eye-Mask/dp/B01E6NRM3E

My eye doctor told me how to use it…microwave for 30 seconds and let it cool off for a second… it should be hot but not too much

then lay back and rest for 7-10 min
afterwards gently massage your upper and lower eyelids
this warms up the lubrication in the glands and helps it flow better

1 point


15th Oct 2021
Oasis REST & RELIEF Eye Mask – Adjunct Hot and Co…$18.03$18.034.5/5.0


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1 point


15th Oct 2021
Oasis REST & RELIEF Eye Mask – Adjunct Hot and Co…$18.03$18.034.5/5.0


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