What is the opinion of Reddit about the
MulanddWAMTHUS Wood Burning Kit19?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


18th Aug 2017

I have the gear fit 2 and I’ve had no problems with battery life. I use it with mapmyrun and it easily lasts through a 5 mile run in the morning, 2-3 mile walk at lunch, and I wear it all day. I charge it every night, but on the occasion that I forget, it will easily get another day of use. There are a couple of reasons I don’t like it, but the battery has never been one.

The biggest problem I had with it is compatibility with some other apps. A lot of apps I’ve looked at weren’t compatible with the gear fit 2 and samsung health. I don’t know if it’s a popularity thing, or bad support from Samsung or what, but it seemed like a lot of app developers just ignore the gear fit 2.

Also, the band is junk and will pop off your wrist if you don’t have something like this.

I don’t know how accurate the heart monitor is, it’s the only one I’ve had. It has been consistent for me, though.