What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Moonlight Comfort-U Total Body Pregnancy Support Pillow. Full Size. Comfort U Total Body Support.?

A total of 5 reviews of this product on Reddit.

185 points


13th Mar 2018

I love body pillows. But I struggle finding one that is long enough to throw an arm and a leg over. I think I’m just going to have to makeone like this , since there’s no way in hell I am going to pay $100 for body pillow. And this pillow probably isn’t long enough/full of enough cushion.

3 points


26th Jun 2021

I bought this one for a friend. It’s absolutely massive and was as tall as her. She loved it and it looked stuffed enough to support her limbs.

Amazon Body Pillow

2 points


18th Mar 2018

I got this one. Crazy expensive, but OMG! SOOOOO comfy!!!! I like all the positions you can put it in compared to some of the other brands. It’s also soft enough that it doesn’t cause pressure points to form. It is big though. If you have an SO, you will need a kings size mattress to fit this pillow, you, and a second person. Again, worth it. Used to wake up barely able to move from hip and knee pain, and my arms would always be numb. Not any more 🙂

Also, I got a memory foam mattress a few years ago, and that reduced my pain and fatigue by about half. Comfort Dreams from Overstock.com, and a metal memory foam specific frame on Amazon. I am sure it has paid for itself in all the pain meds I was able to reduce.

Good luck 🙂 and air hugs!

2 points


25th Feb 2021

I do! Still can at 14+3. I think with my last pregnancy it wasn’t too far from now it stopped being possible.

This pillow helped me a TON! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013RV0JGI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2 points


17th Mar 2018

Here’s a link to the exact one I got from Amazon 🙂