What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Logitech K380 Multi-Device Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac – Off White?

A total of 7 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


19th Jan 2022

I purchased the K380 “for Mac” and the page up / page down feature worked out of the box. Not sure if that’s a different model? Here’s the Amazon link for it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0876MVKQC/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

1 point


18th Dec 2020

The round keys definitely needs some getting used to especially if you’re coming from a butterfly keyboard. There are pros and cons I’d say.

For one, the keyboard itself is dated (I think released 2015?). Would’ve loved a rechargeable version but a 2-year [replaceable] battery life isn’t bad, I guess. Also, I got the OS-agnostic version so using it with a Mac takes some adjustment (FN and CTRL buttons are reversed). There is, however, a newer Mac-specific version but sadly doesn’t come in black/grey.

The most value I get from it is the ability to switch the device it’s connected to quite easily. I type a lot on my iPhone (short blurbs, journal entries, etc.) and typing on an actual keyboard makes it way easier. Hope this helps!

1 point


25th Nov 2021
1 point


28th Sep 2020

It’s a Logitech K380!

Logitech K380 Multi-Device Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac – Off White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0876MVKQC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4BHCFbP20FG9R

1 point


28th Sep 2020

Logitech K380 Multi-Device Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac – Off White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0876MVKQC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_4BHCFbP20FG9R

I can’t see the Amazon link for this specific product anymore, but here’s something similar