What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Logitech G19s Gaming Keyboard with Color Game Panel Screen?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


8th Mar 2016

In addition to what /u/ddnutnut says, most gaming keyboards are backlit for use in low light, have reprogram able macro and function keys and additional function keys, which requires software to program. Higher end ones are usually mechanical keyboards. My Logitech keyboard has an lcd screen attached with software that syncs to games and media to use that screen as a stat display. Mine has additional USB ports. Aesthetically they are often different. This is my main keyboard http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Gaming-Keyboard-Color-Screen/dp/B00BCEK2M4/

1 point


25th Jun 2015

> orion spark

you just sent me on another internet search journey lol, I like the spark, but I kinda like its cousin better the G19s. I definitely can settle for a scroll wheel, actually that is kinda awesome, by ergonomical i just meant wrist guard and its not big enough, but I am pretty sure no keyboard is big enough lol. I dont have an ipod any my phone has a cracked screen so I would rather opt for the built in screen of the G19s

my search isnt over, but that might be what I get lol.
