What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Koss Pro-4AA Studio Quality Headphones, Standard Packaging,Black,Full-Size?

A total of 6 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


5th Nov 2010

Koss Pro-4AA

These were once the gold standard, today they are still a good deal for the price and will get the job done.

1 point


10th Feb 2015

Koss Pro-4AA

They’re pretty good I guess, and have a lifetime warranty or something crazy.

1 point


27th Dec 2010

I’m recommending these bad boys just for the stares you’ll get on the bus 🙂

1 point


30th Dec 2010

Get a nice beefy set like these by Koss.

Or any monitor style headphones like the Sony MDR-V6

1 point


10th Sep 2010

Looks to me like this is them.

Edit: Hm, now that I look at the magazine cover again, it doesn’t seem like those are the right ones. I give up!