What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Koss 155524 UR40 Collapsible Over-Ear Headphones?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


9th Oct 2020


Some say they don’t make them like they used to, but It’s probably BS. I’ve heard them once, and they sounded great for the price and were comfortable for the short time I wore them, just make sure to buy them from somewhere with a good return policy just in case they don’t work for you.

Before you buy them, one more thing, where do you plan on using these? At home? Out and about? There might be something less focused on portability and lets in more sound.

1 point


10th Dec 2021

I work for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students in the public schools and I get them these to go over their ears and hearing aids! https://www.amazon.com/Koss-UR40-Collapsible-Over-Ear-Headphones/dp/B00006JILE

1 point


8th Feb 2021

> Dunno why the fuck Koss doesn’t make a proper headband for it…

Well, they do. But it’s semi-closed back, and not the most attractive.

Head-Fi chatter on the topic. I bought a pair of them when they were on sale once, but it was just to nab the drivers. I didn’t care for the headphones overall when I tried them directly, though.