What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Kinesiology of Exercise?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


10th Aug 2019

Brother, it’s biology. I am twice your age.

A quick google search and I found this:

>Even more detailed guidelines as per <em>The Kinesiology of Exercise</em> by Michael Yessis:
>1-4 reps per set @ 2-4RM increase pure strength but do not increase muscle mass
>4-9 reps per set @ 5-9RM increase strength together with muscle mass
>10-15 reps per set increase muscular strength, muscular endurance and muscle mass
>16-30 reps per set increase muscular endurance with little to no increase in muscle mass
>31-50 reps per set or circuit increase muscular endurance with no effect on muscle mass
> 50-100 reps per set or circuit increase muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance, and there will be a possible loss of muscle mass (or fat) but absolutely no increase in strength

I am in the 4-9 category right now and I understand why I’ve gained weight. I can’t go higher, I would be in the gym all day. I am suppose to be cutting and I am lifting to mass gain, oops. I’ll be changing that next week. I am a little bigger, I am ok with that .