What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Keystone A-1100_UL Polycarbonate Clamp Lamp?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


20th Sep 2015

Completed for my wife, /u/username2201

She needed a quiet area in the house to focus, so we turned the closet into a dedicated place for her equipment. We setup semi-permanent lighting with some modern work lights, outfitted with daylight LED flood lights. The surface is dry-erase board stock. All items are easily disassembled for use elsewhere in the house.

Items and materials from Home Depot, at better prices than Amazon.

1 point


20th Sep 2015

Completed for my wife, /u/username2201

She needed a quiet area in the house to focus, so we turned the closet into a dedicated place for her equipment. We setup semi-permanent lighting with some modern work lights, outfitted with daylight LED flood lights. The surface is dry-erase board stock. All items are easily disassembled for use elsewhere in the house.

Items and materials from Home Depot, at better prices than Amazon.