What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Innovera IVR51452 Softskin Gel Wrist Rest – Black?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


7th Sep 2017

I’ve attached an Innovera Softskin Gel Wrist Rests with velcro to my CST so I can rest the lower part of my palm on it.

1 point


18th Mar 2017

For the more lazy among us, a gel wristpad can work wonders. I use this one and it’s been working great for years. Only downside is that my cousins like to steal it off my desk and play with it when they come visit.

1 point


22nd Jul 2018

Thanks a lot for the information. May i ask where did you find a used one? I ve been sesrching ebay and amazon warehouse deals with no luck. Of course the thing about amazon i can always return it if not suitable for me. But a used one in a decent deal would be even better.

Btw regarding the wrist pad i found a thread about a user who used this wrist pad in the photo

It looks funny but it seems pretty comfortable. I will also buy one if i get cst. Here is the link if you are interested


1 point


23rd Aug 2015

add one of these

never used one, but why not give it a try at that price?