What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Huion KAMVAS Pro 12 Drawing Tablet with Screen Graphics Drawing Monitor Full-Laminated Pen Display with Battery-Free Pen and Adjustable Stand 8192 Pen Pressure(GT-116)?

A total of 6 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


5th Jan 2022

It sounds like what you’re looking for is a PC drawing tablet like this.

They’re going to cost a bit more than a normal monitor due to the pen input, but you can get them in the 11-12″ range for under $300.

1 point


14th Feb 2020

As this subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, it’s not a good place for this question. I’d recommend asking it over on /r/learnart instead. That said, I usually like to offer my own advice whenever doing my modly duty of shooing people away and removing their posts:

All things considered, display tablets are vastly more accessible these days than they were even a couple years ago – you no longer have to shell out a minimum of a thousand dollars to get your hands on one – but they are still definitely expensive. There are a few within your budget, though I’ve never tried any of these can’t speak to them myself:

I’ve always gone with Wacom myself (usually this is over a thousand dollars but recently they released the “Wacom One” which goes for $400 USD on Amazon, and has the odd feature of being able to connect to Android devices as well – like phones, tablets, etc. which generally have access to cheaper software, though there are free PC options like Krita, Medibang, and so on).

I hope that helps, but be sure to do your own research on the devices I’ve named. Brad Colbow on YouTube does reviews of a lot of different tablets and will probably be a fair bit of help with that.

1 point


26th Nov 2019

The Huion KAMVAS Pro 12 Drawing Tablet is currently priced at $229.00 and has a battery-free stylus.

1 point


18th Oct 2019

ur like an awesome friend lol I personally use these 4 for all my stuff:

Huion Pro

Huion 640p


my favorite (which happens to be the cheapest!!!) Huion H420 Kit


Software I use: Krita, Photoshop (main), Corel Painter, Clip Art — Corel seems to be really popular

1 point


20th Feb 2019