What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Hives and Honey Ainsley Vanity Desk, Walnut?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

7 points


11th Nov 2018

I have a vanity with SOME storage space but not a ton. I intentionally didn’t purchase one with lots of storage space because I felt like if I had it, I would fill it. I have this one (although I got it from Wayfair, not Amazon, not sure if Wayfair stopped carrying it): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KX04F2K/ref=twister_B01M70VUWC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1.

In the lefthand drawer, I have my palettes. In the righthand drawer, I have jewelry. In the fliptop, I have a whole bunch of random stuff, like leave in conditioner, some skincare products, dry shampoo, sunblock, deodorant, etc.

On top of the vanity to the left of the fliptop I have a set of four small stacking acrylic drawers with a my lipsticks, blushes, single eyeshadows, foundation, etc. and a cup holding my brushes. To the right of the fliptop I have a rack to hang my necklaces on, a jar of hairbands, and a candle.

I’m really happy with my setup. It used to be much more haphazard but a little over a year ago I had to move all my furniture into the center of my bedroom for a construction project and once I did it I realized I didn’t want to move it back the way it was, that I wasn’t happy with the previous setup. So I splurged on the vanity and I’ve never regretted it, I love sitting down every morning with my cup of tea, putting on a podcast, and getting ready with all of my stuff within reach.