What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Herman Miller Embody Chair – Rhythm, Charcoal?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


5th Sep 2021

for context i somehow magically stumbled upon an embody at amazon for 1170$ that was shipped from and sold by Amazon, not a 3rd party seller. apparently this rarely ever happens, and its only ever happened 1 or 2 times the past 2 years, it was up for an hour before disappearing, but i was just in time to show this to an HM rep who managed to get me a 15% discount on the gaming embody because they were able to price match it

if you keepa the chair you can see the price history that shows its only gotten such a massive discount once before. i ended up paying 170$ more than i would have on amazon but i actually prefer the all black logitech embody so im just glad i got the discount