What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Hario Pour Over Coffee Starter Set Craft Coffee Maker Dripper, Glass Server, Scoop and Filters Size 02, Black?

A total of 6 reviews of this product on Reddit.

14 points


20th Sep 2020
14 points


16th Sep 2020

At least when I bought it back in January the Hario V60 kit that comes with the glass “server” and the plastic cone came with 100 of the original non-tabbed filters as well.


1 point


10th Dec 2021

We have an electric kettle at home, but seems that might get too hot.

Boiling water is fine.

My thoughts on the gift package are below piggybacked on someone else, but I’m reposting this as it’s a cheap package that presents well as a gift – https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-Craft-Coffee-Clear-Black/dp/B07YQ6LY2S/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=v60%2Bbrew%2Bkit&qid=1634200348&sr=8-6&th=1

1 point


10th Dec 2021

You can get the plastic V60-02, filters and range server for a steal in this pack: https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-Craft-Coffee-Clear-Black/dp/B07YQ6LY2S/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=v60%2Bbrew%2Bkit&qid=1634200348&sr=8-6&th=1

makes for a great gift.


I’d go a Hario drip scale over a cheap kitchen scale as the timer is nice.

A gooseneck jug with existing kettle should suffice. Water off the boil is perfect.

1 point


20th Jan 2021

I just recently bought the V60 plastic set from Amazon for $22.50. Highly recommend. Produces a great cup.


I’ve been following James Hoffman’s recipe here:

1 point


6th Aug 2020

The process is definitely a huge part of why I love coffee so much. I have collected a lot of equipment over the years because they all bring something different to the table, and it’s great having the options.

If you are trying to keep the cost minimal, you can buy a v60 bundle like this and an affordable gooseneck like this Bodum. I think a v60 would be a great place to start because it will work well with preground coffee. There’s also the AeroPress and Clever drippers, and those are immersion brewers that are a bit easier to start with when it comes to producing consistent results. There’s more of a learning curve with a v60, so it just depends on what you’re looking for.

If you want to get into it more from there, you can add to your equipment with a grinder to start grinding your own coffee. That opens the door to be able to grind for different methods, like a Chemex. The Chemex is well loved and one of my favorites as well. Just my thoughts, good luck and enjoy your coffee journey 🙂