What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill, 2.25HP Superfit Under Desk Electric Treadmill, Installation-Free with Blue Tooth Speaker, Remote Control, APP Control and LED Display, Walking Jogging for Home Office?

A total of 5 reviews of this product on Reddit.

4 points


20th Nov 2020

We ordered this one at the beginning of quarantine and have been happy with it. It’s perfectly adequate for walking for 30-45 minutes at a time, even fast walking. The footprint is small, shorter than a yoga mat and about the same width. In fact, we used an old yoga mat under it to protect the floor.

1 point


24th Sep 2021

Kid, I’m so sorry. I understand feeling that there’s no one to take care of you or reach out to and not having adequate therapeutical support.

I don’t know what your financial situation is like; are you able to purchase a small home treadmill (portable) and set it up in front of your TV so you can walk or jog while you watch a show you enjoy?

I personally do better with another person to do activities with so I don’t let physical activity get ignored. If you’d like, I’d be happy to voice or video chat (no video chat necessary for you unless you want) while we both walk or jog on home treadmills and watch a show together. If you’re not comfortable with that, is there a friend you could ask to do this with you? You wouldn’t have to leave home or be in person with anyone but it would give you some interaction, physical activity, and something to do. I’ve been slacking on my physical activity goals lately and having someone to stay active with would help me as well. Message me if you like. Take care. hugs

P.S. I come from a conservative family that’s very pro-homeschooling so I empathize with your comments about homeschooling from other threads.

PPS While I understand that your username likely stems from your actual feeling of self worth, it’s harmful to label yourself as such in a way that you’ll keep seeing that negative label and have others identify you with said label. You’re not garbage, and you don’t deserve to see that harmful name every time you engage with others on Reddit. Please consider changing it to something affirming like “WorthyOfLove” or “DoingMyBest” or even something more neutral based on a favorite show/book or character. Maybe “BestWishesWarmmestRegards”? (the saying makes me smile every time I say it, from Schitts Creek)

1 point


24th Aug 2021

My partner ordered this one and I was able to get it up to our second floor apartment by myself and I am by no means that strong.

1 point


20th Nov 2020

I recently bought a treadmill and did some research on the very same thing.

What I found was that treadmills are fairly large/heavy (most are 200+ lbs) because if you’re running, then the treadmill has to stay stable to absorb the shock of your strides.

There are some that weigh less such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/Goplus-Treadmill-Electric-Installation-Free-Bluetooth/dp/B081JDMJ4J/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=stationary+treadmill&qid=1605888715&sr=8-3

But from reviews/trying them out, they tend to shake a lot if you go even at a moderate pace (10min/mile) and start squeaking after not a long time. I ended up just accepting that a good treadmill in terms of durability/stability was just going to cost a pretty penny and ended up splurging on one, which I’ve loved

1 point


4th Apr 2021

Sit /stand desk with a treadmill. I walk for a few hours a day on active recovery days or days with schedule issues making other workouts hard to schedule. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081JDMJ4J