What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Drop + Matt3o MT3 Susuwatari Custom Keycap Set, ABS Hi-Profile Keycaps, Doubleshot Legends, Cherry MX Compatible Set for Ortholinear Mechanical Keyboards (Ortholinear) (MDX-33813-5)?

A total of 2 reviews of this product on Reddit.

3 points


3rd Jul 2021

Thanks! I actually just picked them up on amazon on a whim. I’m planning on building a Plank this fall and figured I’d use them then if they didn’t work well on the moon lander, but I’m loving it. Now i just need to find some cool 1.5u vertical ones, i think I’m going to stick with the red launch buttons.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HPLS7R8

1 point


24th Mar 2022

This is about the cheapest I can find, I believe it would work.