What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Doomhammer SA 104 PBT Double Shot Backlit Keycaps for Cherry MX Switches – Ball Style (Red)?

A total of 8 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


18th Mar 2019


I think these might be the ones he’s refering to. I got them in White awhile back to test out SA profile. They’re okay, but don’t expect anything amazing. If you want higher quality you’ll probably have to pay around 3-4x the price.

1 point


29th Jul 2019

There’s this inexpensive red SA profile set on Amazon.

At the high end there’s Maxkey Berserk. Not currently in stock, but you could try /r/mechmarket

If you’re just looking for individual keycaps, there are Maxkey red SA profile modifiers here.

1 point


22nd Aug 2019

I dont think POM is any worse for the environment than ABS or PBT. Its fairly clean to produce and like every other plastic its non biodegradable. I only mentioned it because some people like to dye their keycaps and a different plastic material makes it more complicated.

Neither of those keycap sets support backlight shining through. Maybe try these https://www.amazon.com/Doomhammer-Double-Backlit-Keycaps-Switches/dp/B07KX5GXCH

Or just go on Amazon, Aliexpress or mechanicalkeyboards.com and search for backlit pbt keycaps

1 point


16th Jul 2020

https://www.amazon.com.au/Doomhammer-Double-Backlit-Keycaps-Switches/dp/B07KX5GXCH. these used to be a thing, but arent available anymore, but i believe they are still somewhere on aliexpress under a different name

1 point


3rd May 2020

An Amazon seller of the keycaps advertises these as 1.8mm: https://www.amazon.com/Doomhammer-Double-Backlit-Keycaps-Switches/dp/B07KX5GXCH

I should double check my set.

1 point


9th Apr 2020

take a look in amazon there are a lot of cheap sets (like this one https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Doomhammer-104-PBT-retroiluminadas-interruptores/dp/B07KX5GXCH/ref=sr_1_13?__mk_es_US=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=red+keycaps&qid=1586473288&sr=8-13 )


or there are a lot of cheap Tai Hao sets (arount 30 bucks) on mecanicalkeyboards.com in a lot of color combinations

1 point


22nd Aug 2019

will this work with a 40% mechmini?

