What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Cuisinart DGB-900BC Grind & Brew Thermal 12-Cup Automatic Coffeemaker?

A total of 11 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


13th Feb 2022

I have a Cruisinart Grind & Brew. It’s too sounds like an air plane. Must be a cuisinart thing

1 point


8th Aug 2018

this bad motherfucker is what my parents have and it’s amazing. it’s all ready when you wake up.

and if you’re like me and my mom and are too lazy to actually put beans in the night before, the coffee in the pot is still drinkable the next day because the insulation on the pot is really tight, so you don’t have to reheat it and burn it.

1 point


12th Jun 2017

I have always thought that dark roast = strong coffee. And that’s why I used to drink dark roasts. But after you wrote I thought over it and now I think that logic isn’t true. So I am open to medium roasts too that people recommend.

I will be making coffee using this: www.amazon.com/dp/B000T9XPHC/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_5Nm27XxzHKxww

1 point


14th Mar 2016

Tons of people have a timed coffee machine. I have one that grinds the beans right before brewing, all on a timer. And the carafe keeps the coffee hot enough to let off steam when I dump it after getting home in the afternoon.


That’s the model I have.

1 point


9th Feb 2016

Here’s one with a 3 year warranty but I think that the grind and taste you’ll get with the Capresso will be superior. I’ve heard of the Capresso machine lasting well but, and yours crapped out so you’ll have to weigh the risk – good luck!

1 point


8th Jul 2015

I used one from Cuisinart. It worked pretty well but the grinder would need to be cleaned fairly frequently or else the grind mechanism would clog up. But when it’s in good working order, it produces a nice cup of coffee and I very quickly learned the benefit of grinding coffee at brew time. I guess it was the machine that started me down the rabbit hole of craft coffee.


1 point


12th May 2010

10 bucks over cost, but dammit the Cuisinart Grind & Brew is the best coffee maker I have ever used.

16 points


4th Dec 2018

I swear by my Cuisinart.. Grinds right before brewing, burr grinder (steel, but still better than nothing), 24 hour timer, vacuum carafe. Also easy to clean and maintain

-5 points


28th Dec 2018

Tbh your use case isn’t really ideal for this subreddit; you seem to want something simple that you don’t really have to think about. While I always advise people get deep into coffee as a hobby because it’s fun, in your case I’d suggest something like this coffee maker that you can still use good beans in but have them automatically ground for you when the timer goes off so it’ll be ready for you when you come out in the morning. The only real problem with a system like that is that your beans will get stale unless you track down one that has a vacuum-sealed top, but taking your use case into mind I don’t think that’s a critical factor.

By the by, my mother had that Kitchenaid coffee maker and it made good coffee. Not blow-your-mind great, but it was definitely better than preground.

As for the beans advice yes, definitely invest in some good beans. They’re crucial to the quality of the finished cup. Fresh roasted is best but not super important as you’re going to be leaving them in a hopper anyway so like I mentioned they’ll get stale, but you don’t want to pay less than $8USD a pound for something that’ll be good enough.