What is the opinion of Reddit about the
CAP Barbell FM-905Q Color Series Power Rack Exercise Stand, Carbon?

A total of 88 reviews of this product on Reddit.

6 points


14th Jun 2017

Personally, I always feel like the dip bars on power towers are too wide. I’ve tried a few of them out in Dick’s Sporting Goods and it doesn’t feel like a good position to sustain for multiple dips. So, that might be something to consider if you purchase one of these. I just did a quick search for more detailed dimensions of that particular model but I didn’t have any luck. Maybe, get a power tower with less “features” like this Cap Barbell Power Rack from Amazon and then you can get some rings and throw them over the bar? The price fluctuates quite a bit; at the end of April it was down to $50.59 and occasionally gets down into the $65 price range.

3 points


19th Jan 2016

“Reasonably priced” is..well..relative. I love Rogue products and I respect their American-made ethos greatly and I love how flexible all of their systems are, but you are paying for all of that. You can’t get a squat rack under $345 from them (S-1). And, per context of this conversation, that doesn’t have the pullup bar; you have to go to the S-2 at $425. Don’t get me wrong, that rack is fucking tough, but the price is too.
If you pay less you will get less, but you might not need something as bomb-proof as Rogue.

Here is an off brand on Amazon at $89 dollars. It’s all relative…

Cap Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_SgBNwbQKHXGZS

2 points


5th Oct 2016

This one is half as much: https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O. Not portable. Amazon is sometimes more expensive than Cap’s own website, but the price bounces around. I have it, stable, but wobbles a little. Doesn’t feel like it will fall over.

EDIT: Oops andersonah said the same thing. I guess that’s two endorsements for one system!

2 points


28th Sep 2015

It’s actually pretty solid. My bf helped my put it together. It has anchors if you want to bolt it down but I had to put mine on my 2nd floor so that wasn’t an option.

I’m a beginner with limited space so this currently does the trick. I’ll more than likely upgrade to something heavier with more features after I progress in lifts but since this is my first go into weightlifting I didn’t want to shell out too much for my current program (SC).

I’ll be using it over the next few days so I’ll PM and let you know I liked it. I’m a woman who lift by herself so safety is always my number 1 concern.

Here’s the link in case I left it out in my original reply:http://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443457940&sr=8-1&keywords=cap+power+rack

1 point


5th Jan 2022

Recommended freestanding equipment? I need to get back into working out, but unfortunately my pull-up bar doesn’t fit our apartment doors. I’d like to be able to do front levers as well.

This looks good for pull-ups, leg raises, etc. but I’m unsure of its stability when doing front levers and skin-the-cats.

1 point


30th Dec 2021

I’d suggest to buy the cap barbell fitness CAP Barbell FM-905Q Color Series Exercise Stand Power Rack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0F54SGS3G3Q8X24MR7JK it’s pretty decently sized and prized and it has a pull up bar with good clearance and is probably safer for weighted pull ups.

1 point


16th Sep 2021

Depending on how big your appartment is. Mine has space for an inexpensive pull up frame like this oneon Amazon

I’ve had a door frame bar – tired of always feeling very unsafe

1 point


5th Sep 2021

No, I actually use this.

But I was interested in this since it does seem more portable and able to move around a lot easier. My rack just takes up too much space.

1 point


18th Aug 2021

Hope I’m not too late

But get this


I had the bang tong dip stand originally and gave it to my friend. I went with this due to the need of using rings.
I believe this is slightly taller. I
You’ll get more exercises from this equipment with a set of rings and it’s pretty sturdy.

1 point


14th Aug 2021

I went for something like this barbellStuff instead of a pullup/dip station. I got it from a European supplier for ~120$ (pre-covid). Sure, you can’t do dips, but you can get rings for ~20$ and do all sorts of exercises (dips, ring pushup variations, extensions) which you can not always do with a pullup station because of their weird construction.

1 point


19th Jun 2021

To be honest, I owned the Fitness Reality rack, and I didn’t like it for ring work for two reasons. First, the pull up bar is curved, and when I’d hang the rings from it, they would slip down the curved side of the pull-up bar. For some exercises, this wasn’t an issue, but it made doing things like ring flyes impossible. Secondly, there are horizontal support bars on the back of the rack that really got in the way when I wanted to do rows, flyes, rollouts, triceps extensions, etc. I ended up selling it and getting a cheap CAP brand squat rack instead, which doesn’t have those problems. Of course, you do have to weigh the base down with sandbags if you have a squat rack, but this is easy to do and takes care of any instability.

1 point


3rd May 2021

I have this squat rack: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_M2G0YF5SS7WEMVH5NPB0

I hang my rings from it and use it for pullups, etc. It’s solid, although I’d recommend getting some bags of sand or something to weigh down the bottom if you’re going to do anything that involves kipping like muscle ups. I think you’re better off using something like this rather than a pull-up station. It’ll be sturdier and more functional. It’s also very cheap!

1 point


8th Mar 2021

I bought a power rack with pull up bar attached. This one. I bought for $128 4 months ago. The price fluctuates a lot so check back often or set a price reminder. Walmart also sells them but I would only buy the FM-905Q models on their site. Any other model number could be rated for 300lb. Long discussion in my post history if you’re curious. If you’re only doing body weight stuff if probably won’t matter but 500lb should be more sturdy and for the same price why not buy the better model.

1 point


24th Dec 2020

Unreplied-to comment from yesterday’s Daily Thread

If you reply here, please mention the user so they get notified. Ex: /u/<username>.

/u/electroneel asked:

>Hello I need help in purchasing a pull up bar to hang my rings. I prefer to buy a pull up bar like this rather than a door pull up bar. I was thinking of buying the one linked but it seems kind of costly (I was expecting that they would cost like $200 and not $400). Thus I was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations for such equipment. Thanks.

1 point


23rd Dec 2020

Hello I need help in purchasing a pull up bar to hang my rings. I prefer to buy a pull up bar like this rather than a door pull up bar. I was thinking of buying the one linked but it seems kind of costly (I was expecting that they would cost like $200 and not $400). Thus I was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations for such equipment. Thanks.

1 point


23rd Dec 2020

Hello I need help in purchasing a pull up bar to hang my rings. I prefer to buy a pull up bar like this rather than a door pull up bar. I was thinking of buying the one linked but it seems kind of costly (I was expecting that they would cost like $200 and not $400). Thus I was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations for such equipment. Thanks.

1 point


10th Nov 2020

Fellow tall guy here. Honestly, if you’re going to spend $200, I’d recommend getting a squat stand/cage. You can find a cheap squat stand for $130-250 (for example), or a cage for about $300. They’re generally going to be more stable that the power tower you’re looking at, and you can also use them for other things, like squats, if you have a barbell or think you might want to get one in the future, or for hanging your rings, etc.

1 point


29th Jul 2017

The doorways at my place are not very sturdy. Also, I’d rather not drill or anything. I’ve also read scary stories about people getting injured because of the bar falling down mid-exercise.

Amazon USA link: https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=bdl_pop_ttl_B00HYQP72O

1 point


11th Jul 2019

I got one on Amazon. Here is the link.

CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand, Multiple Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Lu8jDbET1D95X

If you go back in my profile a bit you can check out my modifications to it. I was very happy for putting it together for about $130.

1 point


15th Jul 2020

This one might be good for the intended purpose, but there are many other pull up bar stands or multi-use exercise stands that could be be portable assuming you have at least a hatchback vehicle. Obviously use your best judgment here, and it may be an unnecessary expenditure for your implemented routines, but it also might be worthwhile so I figured I’d add it in. https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_2

1 point


24th Aug 2020

I don’t suggest power towers, it’s better to a squat rack with a pull up bar. I got this from Amazon for $99 several years ago:

CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand, Multiple Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3verFbM5X18TJ

A lot more room to hang rings for a variety of exercises, and I’m not sure if I trust doing even just ring rows off a power tower, not sure if it will fall on me

1 point


16th Apr 2020

I bought this one from Amazon right before the virus for $89


Looks like it’s out of stock/crazy expensive right now but if you can wait it’s a steal for the price. I was skeptical due to the price but it’s awesome.

I have rings on it, bands, climbing holds.

1 point


10th Jul 2018

It’s not a power tower, but I use this power rack to do the full recommended routine.


I have some rings hanging from the pull-up bar that I use for support holds and eventually skin the cats. I use a barbell (with no weights currently) for incline push-ups and inverted rows. I have some kettle bells that I hold to add weight to my squats, but the barbell with weights would also work for that as I progress.

Power rack $100, a cheap barbell probably around $60, rings $30, that would fit in your budget.

1 point


16th Dec 2017

Keep in mind that if you want to do a muscle up you also have to have the head room. Depending on the height of your ceilings it may be pretty difficult. With the bar I have there is only about a foot of clearance to reach the ceiling. Even if I could do a muscle up, it would be impossible to do safely.

This is the one I have and like. It’s an affordable option. https://smile.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1513398837&amp;sr=8-2-fkmr0&amp;keywords=cap+barbell+pull+up

1 point


16th Oct 2017

You need to get a rack. You’re not going to be able to keep that up with any amount of weight on the bar. You can find entry level ones like the one below in the $80-$100 range.


1 point


10th Jan 2017

Look for a bar and plates on craigslist. I got a 45 lb olympic bar, 255 lbs of bumper plates, and a weight tree for $200. Then I bought this rack for less than $100.

Although its probably a bad time of the year to buy used with New Years. I bet come February or later people will give up and try to sell their equipment.

1 point


14th Oct 2016

I live in Canada and bought a sturdy, free-standing pull up bar/cage for $180 from Amazon. If you’re in the U.S. I bet you could find something similar for $100. In fact, when I search Amazon.com this is exactly what I found:


I would never use those door frame chin up bars as they destroy the door molding and don’t seem to be quite wide enough for wide pull ups.

1 point


28th Sep 2016

I personally use a Cap Barbell Rack and have had very good results with it thus far.

Unfortunately, I can’t dead hang with straight legs, but at 6’2″ almost nothing I could buy would give me that ability.

1 point


30th Sep 2016

If you don’t need it to be portable, like the one you linked, this has been great for me. I got it for like $89.00 and it does everything I need it to.

1 point


7th Jun 2016

On Amazon. After tax, it cost me $99 to have this thing shipped right to my door.


And, I’m not gonna lie. It’s not the sturdiest rack in the world. I can easily make it sway side to side (albeit not much; it still feels decently solid enough). And I can do chinups and pull ups, but I wouldn’t be trying to fucking swing from the pull up bar. But…for $94, you’re not going to beat it! I’ve racked up to 250 lb on it, and it seems to have been fine. It’s rated at a 300lb max, and I’m sure if I actually get to the point where I can consistently bench/squat that much damn weight, I’ll actually invest in something more robust. For my current fat out of shape ass, I’m benching 110 5×5, so I have nothing to worry about for a little while.

Also, for what it’s worth, it has holes that allow you to bolt it down to a platform if you wanted to.

I’m happy with the purchase, for $94!

1 point


23rd Jun 2016

Progress would stall pretty quickly with goblet squats. I’m just trying to think of what I’d be ok with my wife using. I think the stands in your OP could be trusted if she were to do front squats. They just don’t look that stable and it would be awkward trying to re-rack the bar after back squats, but controlling the bar in front of you would be much less cumbersome.

I would still go with something like this as a minimal rack but if you don’t have the space you don’t have the space. Now you know why I kicked my cars out of the garage.

1 point


13th Jun 2016

If I’m just looking for a basic rack so that I can stop using a door-frame pull-up bar would this be ok?


the reviews seem fine, and I’m not really 100% whether or not I should spend a lot more for a rogue fitness stand when those go for 400 dollars.

1 point


10th May 2016

I’ve been considering this. Reviewers have said that it works for ring excercises as long as there isn’t too much kipping.

Haven’t actually bought it yet but it’s a somewhat cheaper option to consider.

1 point


8th Jul 2015

Ultimately, back squats are the way to go.


$99, prime shipping. I’ve used this squat rack and it works fine for well over 315 lbs.

1 point


11th Mar 2015

I’m 6’1″ but with a 7″ basement ceiling, I don’t see pullups happening unless I’m gonna stick my head between the joists each time lol. Same with OHP unfortunately.

I’m looking at normal height racks now, I assumed that with only 2-3″ of clearance I would have trouble assembling the rack, but it sounds like that isn’t the case. The Powerline PR200X is the current frontrunner.

I don’t have a fear of falling backwards or anything, I’ve been lifting for quite some time and I know my limitations. It looks like I could certainly get a squat stand for much less than a full cage, but I still have concerns about stability. However, I am fairly certain I can just bolt a stand into my basement slab, which would cure stability issues I would think. Also, a cage would allow for some attachments, like dip bars, which would I would definitely want. I’m wondering if I can actually get a good squat stand with safety arms for less than 400 shipped, which is what I’m looking at for the Powerline.

1 point


1st Jan 2015

woah i never realized i could get a power rack for only 130 bucks on amazon! i might have to actually buy these things instead of a gym membership..


33 points


30th Jan 2019

I was able to set up my basement gym for roughly $500. There are certainly cheaper ways to go about this but I was able to get everything set up hassle free (everything was shipped aside from the bar and weights and stall mats) without having to haggle with local craigslist folks. You could also add in a few hundred extra dollars and get better equipment but I just plan on upgrading things as I go. Also check out /r/homegym for more recommendations but here’s what got me started:

  • Bar and 255lbs from Dick’s – $200 ( I think I paid about $170 with 20% off, picked it up in store to avoid paying shipping)

  • Squat Rack – I paid $100 for it, looks like the price fluctuates but there are similar ones out there for around the same price.

  • Horse stall mat – $45 each, 2 should be enough (these can be had on sale around black friday I believe)

  • Adidas Bench – $80 – Great bench that gets the job done.

If you need extra weight:

With this you will be able to do all the main barbell lifts along with plenty of accessories.

Edit: Here is a pic of the current set up.

My next upgrade will likely be to a full cage rack from either Titan or Rouge so I can have some safeties in place. I may also build a dealift platform as it looks pretty easy and relatively cheap. The plaform would give me a bit more peace of mind versus just having the stall mats to protect my basement concrete. Alan Thrall has a great tutorial video for building your own platform.

12 points


5th Aug 2019

You could get more out of one of these, one of these and some of these. More compact and takes less putting together time.

3 points


23rd Mar 2018

I got this from amazon and they are very steady with the rings. I have had no issues doing the RR on them.

EDIT: Updating answer to help out OP with an alternative.
OP, you can try out rows with towel and a door similar to this till you gain the strength to do the rows with your body directly below the bar.

2 points


14th May 2021
2 points


4th Sep 2020

power rack amazon cap

Thinking about getting a free standing pull-up bar and attaching my rings to this. Has anyone used this equipment ?

1 point


15th Sep 2021

This is kinda hood but if you can afford it, this works better than a doorframe mounted bar and will last a lifetime (Chinesium is alright when designs are simple)


Get some gymnastics rings to hang from it, and you’ve pretty much got all the equipment for back workouts you’ll ever need.

A cheap pair of dip bars later (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PH9PP85/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&amp;aaxitk=82d3bc7e902b441749818c6a7edb3aa7&amp;hsa_cr_id=8558718970201&amp;pd_rd_plhdr=t&amp;pd_rd_r=97811fc2-4c61-4bf4-8d1f-3ec82c776c06&amp;pd_rd_w=JC8bf&amp;pd_rd_wg=…), and you’ll have all the equipment you need to completely jacked with bodyweight alone if you have the discipline. All of this can fit in a few square feet.

1 point


26th Jun 2021

Deal link: Amazon

1 point


13th May 2021

Deal link: Amazon

1 point


16th Apr 2021

Thanks I might do that!

This is the rack I bought. It’s very sturdy and on sale right now! I can do all of my rings exercises on it.


1 point


14th Apr 2021

I bought this one several months ago, and it has been wonderful. The reviews are also great. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_glt_i_32FVCCM0X8CMPPT4SNPS

1 point


17th Jan 2021

Deal link: Amazon

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1 point


2nd Dec 2020

I don’t recommend power tower. Limited space for rings and potential of tipping over. Much better to use a power rack. This is what I use:


1 point


18th Nov 2020

I second this, get a good pull up bar, here is a link to the one that i got for my house, And then attach a pair of rings to it. Rings are way better and more versatile than TRX, primarily because of the variety of grips (you can work False Grip in rings, not really with TRX).

You can progress your pull-ups and dips quite quickly using the Russian Fighter Pull-up Program from Pavel Tsatsouline.


Eventually you can get paralletes, but you can work L-sit and some other stuff on the rings so i don’t find them that necessary (even though i have them).

By the way, I never used resistance bands ever. I was able to progress from 1 dead hang pullup to 9 dead hang pulls ups within about 40 days using the Fighter pull up program that i linked to above. I also did the same exact protocol for Dips and increased those by a large amount as well.

Biggest thing i’ll say is to spread your sets out over the full day. Don’t do all 5 sets in one sitting. That way you can make sure your form is perfect.

1 point


1st Nov 2020

Deal link: Amazon

NOTE: Are you looking for discounts on a specific product? Search for the product in our official Discord Server! We are gearing up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Grab the deals before anyone else! Join our Discord Server to get real-time notifications on all deals. We have category-wise Discord channels. Disclaimer: Some deal links on this sub may be affiliated

1 point


31st Oct 2020

Deal link: Amazon

NOTE: Are you looking for discounts on a specific product? Search for the product in our official Discord Server! We are gearing up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Grab the deals before anyone else! Join our Discord Server to get real-time notifications on all deals. We have category-wise Discord channels. Disclaimer: Some deal links on this sub may be affiliated

1 point


28th Oct 2020

Its the CAP Barbell Power Rack. Got it off Amazon…

CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand https://CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand

1 point


26th Oct 2020

Two uprights, not the full cage. Essentially yeah, I’m looking for a squat stand with spotter arms, but not the ones that are free legs you move in and out.

This is the cheap CAP one I’m referencing. It’s okay, but it is 1.) Tall and 2.) Not as stable as I’d like. The height isn’t a deal breaker, but something shorter with adjustable height would be better. (As long as it’s not super unstable when I lift it to squat or press)

Edit: Looks like for stability, the height is gonna have to come with it. Think I’m gonna go with this one; the landmine attachment has me sold. https://www.amazon.com/Fitness-Reality-Multi-Function-Adjustable-J-Hooks/dp/B084P72GYX/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&amp;keywords=squat+rack&amp;qid=1603676754&amp;refinements=p_72%3A1248957011&amp;rnid=1248955011&amp;s=sporting-goods&amp;sprefix=squ&am…

1 point


25th Oct 2020

It’s the CAP power rack, I bought it on Amazon. It pops in stock every now and then, I think I paid like $140 for it:

1 point


23rd Oct 2020

I bought this CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand. The information regarding weight capacity and steel thickness on CAP’s official website though is contradicting what the sticker on my rack, my manual, and what Amazon’s listing says.


My actual manual looks exactly like that manual, but numbers reflect higher weight capacity. I don’t see any information on steel thickness though.

Older reviews on Amazon are saying this FM-CS7000F model number only holds 300 lbs. Maybe they updated the rack recently, but didn’t update their website or bother assigning it a new model number? I’ve tried to contact CAP directly, but they are unreachable by phone and they haven’t responded to my email yet.

1 point


23rd Oct 2020

I bought a CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand from Amazon.

Amazon’s page said I was getting model FM-905Q, but I instead got model FM-CS7000F. It is the exact color I ordered though.

CAP’s Website and manual PDF for FM-CS7000F says this model only has a 300 lb weight capacity with 12 and 14 gauge steel thickness. However, the manual I received says it has a 500 lb capacity. I tried contacting CAP, but they’re not picking up the phone.

I already bitched to Amazon and got a refund, but if this rack does actually hold 500 lbs, then I’ll keep it.

I heard in the Amazon comments that an older model sold with only 300 lb weight capacity. Did they change it, but not update their model number or website? Just want to make sure this thing is actually safe to use.

1 point


13th Oct 2020

It’s the CAP power rack on Amazon, I managed to grab it in stock for $135 two weeks ago: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_tgDHFb66EY3EJ

1 point


7th Aug 2020

My best suggestion is get a couple of plates. Because, you can do tons of stuff landmine style. You can do squats, deadlifts, rows, core twists. Then with plates on both sides you can do bent rows overhead press, floor press, deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts, wrist curls, etc. Even if you can just snag one pair of 25s (if you could gt your hands on bumper plates that would be great). The door hanger pullup bars are ok and they don’t damage the door frame but be extremely careful and never swing. I used those for years before finally getting back to a free standing one. I know everything is pricey right now but i bought this pullup/weight rack pretty cheap and I love it.

1 point


5th Oct 2020

It sort of looks like the CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand

1 point


13th Sep 2020

I recommend being careful with hanging rings on a power tower, it might collapse on you. I recommend a squat rack with a pullup bar. This is the one I use (costed $99 before pandemic) but you can use it as inspiration to find something similar:



1 point


23rd Jul 2020

I have this cap squat rack and would love to find a dip attachment for it. i know it uses non standard .5″ holes tho. any ideas?

1 point


13th Jul 2020

I have this cap squat rack and would love to find a dip attachment for it. i know it uses non standard holes tho. any ideas?

1 point


26th Sep 2020

Deal link: Amazon

^^Note: ^^The ^^deal ^^may ^^have ^^expired ^^by ^^the ^^time ^^you ^^see ^^this ^^post.

1 point


4th Sep 2020

CAP amazon power rack

Has anyone used this power rack from amazon? I plan only on using this for pull-ups and hanging gymnastics rings.

1 point


25th Aug 2020

Best thing in my opinion is a squat rack. I got mine from Amazon for $99 several years and back still use to this day. Probalby hard to find for $99 during pandemic times but you can still try to look for something like it:


1 point


3rd May 2020

Any ideas on storage accessories for a CAP Fitness squat rack? Picked up one on Amazon and want some pegs to hold weight plates but can’t find any.


1 point


31st Dec 2017

Considering a CL purchase. Can someone give me some additional validation that $300 is a good deal?

All described as slightly used. Haul includes:

FringeSport 260lb black bumper set: https://www.fringesport.com/collections/bumper-plates/products/ofw-black-bumper-plate-sets?variant=38904437444

10 and 20 pound sets of Cap coated dumbbells

A generic EZ curl bar

Cap Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_P2tsAb8TNC2A0

1 point


21st Jun 2017

Ah, yeah. I should have specified. The squat rack I have includes a pull up bar.

This one – https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Power-Rack-Exercise-Stand/dp/B00HYQP72O

1 point


13th Mar 2017

That piece of equipment is junk compared to a BB and squat rack. I bought this rack and a used BB and weight set on craigslist. I also bought two live stock mats to set that rack on. It came out to being $400 total.

As someone else mentioned you should probably get a gym membership and make sure you can make it a habit first. Or just invest in a kettlebell. Go to /r/kettlebell to learn more about them. Kettlebells are a lot cheaper and barely take up space. You can do swings, presses, goblet squats, rows, push ups, and Turkish get ups which is plenty for a beginner or even trained athlete to build muscle. Males typically need a 40-50 lb KB.

Maybe seek out a good KB trainer first and have them show you how to train with one and see if you like it. Then if you do buy a KB and workout at home.

1 point


2nd Nov 2016

Try craigslist, you can sometimes find cheap power racks on there. You don’t need anything fancy, something like this would work, but keep in mind it doesn’t have safety bars. You may need to upgrade to something like this later on, because it’s easier to bail on a squat with the safety bars. You don’t need a spotter if you practice safely failing a rep with an empty/lightly loaded bar.

1 point


28th Oct 2016

I bought this new:

Cap Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_qUReybETSJRW9

Plus a bench. Better value imo

1 point


19th Apr 2016

I did exactly this since i knew I would get to lazy to make it to the gym and I would use it as an excuse. I decided to get my on setup in the garage going. 10 weeks in and I have not missed a workout yet. Home gym is the way to go for sure. Here is what I got. I didn’t have to spend too much and it’s been working out great for me.

Cap Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYQP72O/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_FcDfxbB3DEY5Y

Cap Barbell 300 Pound Olympic Set, Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002OP1Z44/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_vdDfxb9W9F33E

Looks like barbell with weights might be sold out but I got them for $250

1 point


12th Mar 2016

Totally worth it.

Here is what I got:

Olympic barbell and weights – about 300 lbs. total, bought it used on Craigslist for about $200 (don’t remember exactly).

I already had a set of dumbbells for curls and stuff.

This power rack:


This bench:


Couple of rubber mats from Big 5, $20 each.

I roll out of bed at 5, put on workout shorts, no need for shoes, stop at the bathroom – and I am working out. Done by 6:15.

I have to take care of my kids before work – feed them, dress them, take them to school. I wouldn’t be able to leave the house for an hour even if I had an gym that it open that early nearby, and I don’t. Closest 24 Hour Fitness is 4 miles away, which means that I have to drive or bike, and it will take at least another 20 minutes to get there and back. It is Super Sport, so it would cost me $50 per month. If I spent $500 on my home gym – it will pay off by the end of the year, and I still have all the equipment I can resell.

1 point


16th Oct 2015


300lbs rating for the pullup bar… if you really are not 350 lbs heavy this should do.

1 point


16th Aug 2015

Clean build OP, but I think this is probably a bit more versatile. link

1 point


17th Jul 2015

I think this is a better choice for $100, even if you never use it for barbell exercises.


1 point


19th Jan 2015

this one

or if you are in Germany / Europe:

or this one

or that one