What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Brigii Mini Vacuum, Air Duster and Hand Pump 3 in 1, Small Cordless Handheld Vacuum, USB Rechargeable, Easy to Clean Desktop, Keyboard, Drawer, Car Interior and Other Crevices, Small Spaces -Y120 Pro?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


27th Dec 2021

There are multiple brands and varieties, and they vary in price. This is the one I own:

Brigii Mini Vacuum, Air Duster and Hand Pump 3 in 1, Small Cordless Handheld Vacuum: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087JRV75R/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_M9FF4DG2E16XTGD0R63E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

It’s USB Rechargeable, and it’s good for all of the little spaces in and around your desk.

1 point


27th Dec 2021
Brigii Mini Vacuum, Air Duster and Hand Pump 3 in…$39.09$39.094.1/5.0


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1 point


25th Aug 2021

portable vacuum

– micro fibers

mini spray bottle– just add water or your favorite solution for when you need to wipe your seats down

napkin/tissue dispenser

trash can for car

– you can condense all of this on a backseat organizer which would be great also to protect the backseat trim + serves as a food table, making it easy for you to manage feeding if in case you do do that

– bench seat covers if you like