What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Black+Decker CM1160B 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker, Black/Stainless Steel?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

9 points


22nd Apr 2021

Drip coffee machines are the standard and probably make about 90% of coffee made at home in the US. If you’re gonna make a “pot of coffee” that’s what you use. And you can get a cheap one for around $20. Like this

2 points


11th Jun 2021

I purchased this $30 coffee pot on Amazon back in January, and now it’s even cheaper. It works very well, though I’m kind of a coffee n00b, so maybe you’d like a much more elaborate machine. But for someone who wants an easily programmable coffee pot that does its job, can’t go wrong here.

1 point


19th Oct 2020

For the cost of one week worth of Tim Hos you could have yourself a programmable 12 cup maker and a thermos to keep it hot. Coffee creamer has a shelf like of like 1 month if spoiled milk is a concern. Takes less time to scoop the grounds and pour the water the night before than it does to go through a drive thru.

1 point


19th Oct 2020

Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
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