What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Bike Pedal Exerciser with Calorie Tracker and Adjustable Resistance – Mini Foldable Indoor Home Gym Exercise Equipment by Wakeman Fitness?

A total of 4 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


9th Jan 2022

Pedal bike. They’re great because they don’t take much effort or thought to use. You can put it under your desk or in front of the couch.

21 points


24th May 2021

Sorry to hear about your injury!

  1. Hip labrum tears can be rehabbed via physical therapy – hopefully you’ve already started that 🙂 Most professional ballet dancers, for example, will have torn hip labrums (most of which are non-symptomatic). Obviously not part of your medical team at the moment but have seen lots of these rehabbed successfully, purely conservatively (source: healthcare worker)
  2. The old “weight loss is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise” is actually kind of true; when you look at the whole BMR vs AMR (Basal metabolic rate, active metabolic rate) and crunch the math, being active lets us eat a bit more but actually not that much more. SO – if you want to continue the good fight, there’s actually nothing stopping you 🙂
  3. If you did want to get back into exercise, your hip might be out but nothing stopping you from using your arms – studies have shown that arm cycling (and similar activities) actually makes the body work just as hard as lower-limb dominant activities. Think of it like how the paraplegic athletes stay buff 🙂 Anything like this, for example – https://www.amazon.com/Wakeman-Portable-Stationary-Exercise-Physical/dp/B01E3CPAK0/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=arm+bike&qid=1621893200&sr=8-6 . You’d be able to keep your metabolism up, too 🙂 If you DID want to get into lower limb exercises, plenty of pilates/bodyweight style resistance exercises you could still do being mindful of the injured hip – assuming you’re in the US, a physical therapist or exercise physiologist would be best-placed to assist here as they’re used to designing exercise programs for people with injuries (some of whom are still pretty high-level – even Olympians get injured but need to stay fit!). I sometimes encourage people to try one of those “Couch to 5K” apps, but work on an arm cycle instead of running. Same sort of HIIT principle; can be modified for lower-intensity/longer interval training.
  4. Feel-good story: I’m extremely sedentary and have lost ~11% of my body weight since last Aug largely through better nutritional choices 🙂
1 point


2nd Oct 2020

As someone in a similar situation, I’ve been trying different tips and tricks to get rid of all this excess energy I have by sitting at my desk all day.
1. If you have the room, a standing desk is really the way to go, homemade desk or an actual desk will work (even sturdy cardboard boxes, thanks Amazon!)
2. I found a pedal-type exercise equipment for under my desk. It is like an elliptical, but you use it sitting down. During meetings I pedal away. Very useful if you get antsy during meetings but still need to concentrate. Looks like this.
3. My therapist recommended a balance disc for my ADHD but it is marketed for exercise as well! You sit on the disc on your work chair and you can wobble around on it, using your core muscles while you work. This one is best for when I’m actively typing, as trying to pedal and type doesn’t always work. You can also use this disc behind your back to help with posture and use this disc during exercise. Link is here.

Good luck!! Even if it isn’t getting up, finding little tricks throughout the day is really key. (Also, depending on how busy your job is, I get up and clean throughout the day. Keeps me busy even when I’m not that busy at work.)

1 point


5th Feb 2020

Less than $30 at amazon, but reviews aren’t great at this price range