What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Bicycling Maximum Overload for Cyclists: A Radical Strength-Based Program for Improved Speed and Endurance in Half the Time (Bicycling Magazine)?

A total of 3 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


10th Feb 2021

It’s maximal overload (MO) as described in this book. Essentially my workout consists of a strength phase & MO phase. During the strength phase, after a thorough warmup I’ll run through 5×5 @ 80% 1RM back squats then 5×5 @ 80% deadlift (pretty standard lifting). Then MO phase is usually explosive walking lunges, currently down quite a bit where I used to be due to Covid closing the gym for 6 months, so I do 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 3 minutes then rest and repeat x4. I do the lunges with 25 lb kettlebells in each hand.

Prior to Covid I was doing 12s on 8s off for 4 mins x 4 with 40-50 lb kettlebells (or 80-100 lbs barbell on the back). You can replace the lunges with explosive jumping squats if you’re limited on space (or if the gym’s busy).

I did the math and if you tally up how much weight you moved in a MO workout (including bodyweight) I found that I moved ~83,000 lbs in MO phase and ~16,000 lbs in strength phase (including body weight in squat, not in DL) for a total of almost 100,000 lbs (~180k before Covid). Compare that to my light workout yesterday where I moved 5,625 lbs in DL & 7,875 lbs in front squat.

In theory I shouldn’t need to take so long to recover from MO if I do it regularly but it’s so taxing that I only do it infrequently, which means I always get super sore forever afterwards lol.

1 point


2nd Jun 2017

I picked up this recently, some interesting ideas, and I’m sold on adding a gym day to improve my endurance for long distance events. Anyone else see this? Here’s a shorter article with the core of the workout.