What is the opinion of Reddit about the
BalanceFrom Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology and Backlight Display, 400 Pounds, With MemoryTrack?

A total of 6 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


25th Feb 2015

What scale do you guys use?

I bought this one from Amazon in August, and the past few weeks it’s been giving me inconsistent readings. This morning it showed me 176.6 then 174.0 then 175.8. I’m cutting and it’s totally fucking with me and I may have to smash it to a million bits.

1 point


11th Aug 2021

Deal link: Amazon

1 point


9th Jan 2016

This scale really helps with that:
It has a memory feature that shows you your previous weight each time you use it, which you can do just before and after your dump.

1 point


18th Jan 2016

I have this one. It’s about $20.

1 point


24th Nov 2015

I have this one and it’s perfect. Prime shipping and is $19.95