What is the opinion of Reddit about the
ASSAULTFITNESS Assault AirBike Classic, Black?

A total of 6 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


3rd Feb 2019

Sunday: After a few days of thinking about it, I purchased a wind-resistance exercise bike on Amazon. Low-impact exercise is good for depression and if I actually do have osteoarthritis, it’s good for that too. I had a similar machine as a kid and I used it a fair amount. It’s kind of expensive but I think it’ll be worth it if I actually use it regularly. We’ll see. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F74RX40

I spoke to a person who my ex had made friends with (via text) yesterday… I had spoken to her (the friend) a little bit last year but found it too triggering. Found out more disturbing stuff about the way my ex acted when I left. The friend thinks BPD might actually fit, but she’s not sure. I’m even more glad I’ve maintained NC.

1 point


14th Aug 2017

If I use a bike for HIIT, I usually go with an assault bike

They’re a bit pricey though.

1 point


17th Sep 2015

Would a fan bike or rowing machine be better you think?


0 points


1st Jan 2019

This? Amazon also has a more expensive version of same brand for $1,099. Do these blow wind up at your body because my Schwinn doesn’t. I was pretty pissed about that. I thought that was a key point of these fan bikes.

0 points


3rd Jan 2018

What is the normal price? Why is this bike a great buy? No link?

Regular price is $1,147 inc tax
